The RIBONZ Trilogy
I. Genesis | II. Spacetime | III. Infinity
The RIBONZ Trilogy is a completed three-part generative art project from Mystery Labs. Holders of all 3 parts received a Finale Artwork
RIBONZ: Genesis
RIBONZ: Genesis ~ Part I of the RIBONZ Trilogy.

RIBONZ: Spacetime
RIBONZ: Spacetime ~ Part II of the RIBONZ Trilogy.

RIBONZ: Infinity
RIBONZ: Infinity ~ Part III of the RIBONZ Trilogy

What does reality consist of? Are we living in a simulation, or what? The RIBONZ Trilogy is designed to explore the scientific theories that explain our reality, helping us ground ourselves at a time when answers aren’t so clear.
RIBONZ: Genesis begins with forms inspired by string theory, fundamental mathematical objects whose vibrations create the structures that are our reality.
RIBONZ: Spacetime takes off to explore cosmology and structures, taking inspiration from relativity with gravitational distortions of an underlying energy field.
RIBONZ: Infinity concludes the Trilogy by considering what might exist beyond space. As new universes emerge from the vacuum, this three-part cycle will continue...infinitely.
Mystery Labs is a supporter of Girls Who Code, a non-profit designed to increase the number of women in computer science.